Wednesday 18 September 2013

Cadillac's competitors in 2025

I am just about ready to make my first post in the CDM GM 2013-2014 design competition. Last year, myself and one of my classmates (Reymin De Leon), worked really hard over the summer and made the finals of the competition. Reymin went on to win the GM brief and I lost out in the Camaro brief. Though upset in defeat, it was the greatest design experience I have had to date. It validated to myself about what I am trying to do with my life. This year I am going to apply what I have learned over the past year and show all those CDN and GM judges that I did not give up....I only pushed far forward.

Here are my visions of where Cadillacs competitors will stand in the year 2025. Each is positioned strategically leaving a gap for the Art and Science lure of the Cadillac brand. Full story on each vehicle will be on the boards I post in the look for that soon.

I will be posting a link to my CDN account so you can track my entry once I start up loading.

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